A simple way to help you in your gluten free quest is to eat seasonal one ingredient foods ( for example, a fresh apple has one ingredient.. APPLE!) or you cook with a combination of foods that have one or few ingredients. It gets murky when you have the long list of unpronouncable ingredients, gluten comes in many forms and goes by many names. Yestarday, in starvation desparation, I picked up a salad from Wendy's. Pecans, strawberries and grilled chicken. Seemed pretty legit so I didn't really question it. I was reading the ingredient list of the pecans ( why it isn't just pecans is beyond me!) and there was wheat flour in them... sigh.. lettuce and strawberries for lunch. Let this be a lesson to us all.. READ ingredients even if it is something gluten has no business being in. I am thankful I read the label, mainly out of habit but I saved myself from a week of intestinal distress, mouth sores and body aches. Anyway, I try to instill the importance of seasonal, one ingredient eating to my students. Today we made baked apples. So easy, healthy and the kids really enjoyed themselves. This is also a great starter for parents that may not have cooked with their kids or are a little reluctant.

Baked Apples
- Slice apples to about 1/4 inch pieces.
- Dab a small amount of the butter on each slice.
- Drizzle or spread the honey on each apple slice.
- Sprinkle with raisins and cinnamon.
- Place apples in a microwave safe baking dish and microwave for about 2 - 3 minutes.